Posts tagged planning
Goals, Ways, and Results

There is a common complaint I hear a lot from people: “I have tried to do something, but failed and gave up.“ These people usually have a vague definition of what they wanted to achieve, how to do it, and what to do with consequences. I call these three phases Goals, Ways, and Results. Let us check what difficulties a person can face during each of these phases and overcome them.

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Financial Independence: Truth or Fiction?

Everybody heard of financial independence, and many consider it as one of the main goals. However, these people often understand it wrong. The following article describes several well-known facts about it and checks if they indeed true or not.

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On Parallel Software Development

There is a common rule in parallel computing — if you want to compute something two times faster, you have to use three times more powerful hardware. However, this rule works differently when applied to software development. Let us see how several teams can work in parallel and what are the best practices.

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The Iterative Approach: Pros And Cons

Nowadays, more and more software companies use some iterative approach to organize their work. Scrum and Lean are two great examples of iteration based methodologies. Let us check out the iterative approach's pros and cons and then see when it is applicable.

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Simplicity In User Interface

There are lots of modern applications that have unpredictable, complicated, or even irritating interfaces. There are many reasons why it may happen — functional, visual, cultural, etc. The following article explains how to prevent common issues and make the interface of application simple and user friendly.

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