Posts tagged professional
Inner Peace

Why are people looking for inner peace and serenity? What brings them to the state when they can not handle the situation any longer? How can they solve this issue? I am going to try to answer these and some related questions in the following article.

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Professional Interpersonal Relations

Every big project is built by a big team. The main principle that allows a big group to make a big project is working together as a team, not as many individual workers. One of the essential aspects of teamwork is interpersonal relations, defined mainly by soft skills and communication. This article explains why such professional relations are crucial and how to maintain them.

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How To Find The Best Books For You

Most people interested in self-education, personal development, or even entertainment often read a lot of books. However, they often use different ways to pick the best books. So let us check the approaches they use and see how it works.

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Degree In Computer Science: Is It Worth It?

Pretty much every big and serious company has a degree in computer science as a requirement for software engineers. However, many candidates consider it unnecessary, and they have pretty good arguments. So, let us check when such a degree indeed is required and when it is not.

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Financial Independence: Truth or Fiction?

Everybody heard of financial independence, and many consider it as one of the main goals. However, these people often understand it wrong. The following article describes several well-known facts about it and checks if they indeed true or not.

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