Posts tagged vision
Mistakes at the Discovery Phase

There is a well-known fact: the earlier a wrong decision is made, the harder it is to fix. The project's discovery phase is one of the first steps in building a backlog and starting the project. So, if you make a mistake at this step, it will be very problematic to fix it in the future. I want to share best practices for avoiding mistakes at this phase to eliminate future issues.

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Goals, Ways, and Results

There is a common complaint I hear a lot from people: “I have tried to do something, but failed and gave up.“ These people usually have a vague definition of what they wanted to achieve, how to do it, and what to do with consequences. I call these three phases Goals, Ways, and Results. Let us check what difficulties a person can face during each of these phases and overcome them.

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The Iterative Approach: Pros And Cons

Nowadays, more and more software companies use some iterative approach to organize their work. Scrum and Lean are two great examples of iteration based methodologies. Let us check out the iterative approach's pros and cons and then see when it is applicable.

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