Posts in Business
On Professional Experience

Why are some employers looking for the junior specialist, while others need seniors? Why may a senior specialist have a salary ten times greater than a junior? And why this separation exists at all? Let us check what is the difference between different levels of specialists, and try to answer these questions.

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Developers Under Control

Nowadays, it is a common practice to give software developers freedom in choosing the activities they want to do. No boundaries in the technology stack, ability to work on a personal project, absolute freedom in tool selection — these are common trends in software engineering. However, there are some areas where developers have to be controlled and controlled a lot. Can you guess these areas?

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Proactivity In Software Engineering

You have to be proactive! Every newcomer hears this mantra from HR, manager, scrum master, and pretty much everybody from the organization layer. However, it is not always clear what it means and how to bring this proactivity into life. Let us see possible applications and best practices of proactivity in software engineering.

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How to Deal With Juniors

Junior specialist (or just Junior) is quite a unique person in any company. Such a person requires an unusual approach in general introduction, adaptation to business workflow, and defining expectations. Dealing with a Junior is not a trivial task — it is a challenge. And this challenge has to be accepted!

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From Work To Relaxation

You finished your work, got a cup of coffee and trying to relax. However, you are still thinking about the work — what you have done today, what you are going to do tomorrow, how to make is better and faster, etc. And unsurprisingly it prevents you from relaxation and resting. What to do in this situation and how to move from work to relaxation?

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Narrow Specialization or Wide Experience?

Quite a lot of people ask themselves this question. Do I want to be a professional and do one or two things extremely good? Or I want to cover multiple areas and be able to solve numerous types of problems? We are going to check the pros and cons of these two approaches which should help you to make a decision.

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Transparency in Project Management

Transparency is a concept that describes how easy it is to see for everybody what is going on. It is important in Project Management as it involves multiple people working on the same tasks and solving common problems. This article is going to show the most common issues that appeared in Project Management and explain the difference between transparent and non-transparent ways to solve them.

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