There is a common belief that work in IT is 100% of technical work and zero creativity. However, every experienced specialist who works in IT for at least three years can immediately object and tell that every specialty requires a certain degree of creativity. So here are my thoughts on this topic.
Read MoreEvery person had faced the situation when he/she came to a new company to work, and the first several months did not do smoothly. What did I make wrong? — you may ask. Let us check the common mistakes newcomers often do in a new company and how to avoid them.
Read MoreWhy some people can work on multiple tasks simultaneously, and others not? Why good employers give their workers private rooms? Why is it essential to organize your work correctly? Find the answers to these questions below.
Read MoreSoftware developers are usually very technical people. They are outstanding in designing the application architecture, writing code, testing it, and so on. However, these excellent skills may be complemented with poor communication skills and an inability to deal with social issues. This article describes some problems in team communication and possible ways to solve them.
Read MoreAfter 15+ years of work in software development, I collected quite a lot of ineffective, pointless, terrible, stupid, awful, and dangerous practices of managing application requirements. So, here is my personal Top 5 of the worst practices you should avoid at all costs.
Read MoreEverybody knows that the older the person, the harder it is to learn something new, and it is usually taking longer and longer to do it. However, even though this statement is theoretically true, there are a couple of curious observations indicating that it is not as simple as that. Let us have a look at some facts and see the connection between a learning process and aging.
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