Posts in Business
Know Your Customer

Every business or software project represents a long process of communication between a customer and an implementer. No one will deny that the implementer has a significant impact on the final result of the projects. However, it is the customer who dictates the requirements, and it is up to the customer to say “yes“ or “no“ in the end. So, it is crucial to know your customer, understand him, and organize work accurately to achieve the best results.

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Good From The Beginning

How often did you face a situation when some temporary (and usually quite mediocre) solution became the most used feature? How many projects stuck on the proof-of-concept stage and can not advance because of internal issues? The main reason why it happened is that things were not done correctly from the very beginning. It is what we are going to discuss in this article using a software application project as a test subject.

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Buyer's Guide For Consumer Electronics

Nowadays, consumer electronics are a part of everybody’s life, no matter if we want it or not. It is impossible to imagine a person who does not have a smartphone or laptop, so the size of this market is enormous. Most of the manufacturers use advertising, marketing campaigns, and various tricks to encourage customers to buy their products and buy a lot. Let us have a fresh look at the consumer electronics market to understand what buying strategies you can use there.

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Multiple Projects: Issues And Solutions

Many technical specialists, like product owners and project leads, often work on multiple projects simultaneously. Unlike project managers who usually have only a superficial understanding of projects, these specialists have to have a deep understanding of each project and everything related to it. It is relatively straight forward in case of one project but may be tricky in case of multiple projects. This article describes various project issues and ways to deal with them.

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