The Value of Spare Time


Nowadays, many people are focused on being effective workers, and they usually use the amount of working hours to measure their effectiveness. Sometimes it works, but it is only half of the truth. The other half is the spare time, specifically, how effectively people rest and recharge after work. Today I’d like to cover this second part.

Spare Time vs Non-Working Time

Closed Laptop

Usually, people think that spare time starts when they finish their work and other activities. It is not exactly correct. The more accurate description is that spare time starts when they stop thinking about the work. There is a difference, isn’t it?

To better understand why it works this way we need to begin from the way the brain is functioning. People use their brains to focus on tasks and duties and relax when they do not do it. But the brain can not be focused all the time so it needs rest too. The moment when it stops focusing is the time when the spare time begins.

There is a trick that can help the brain to relax faster, it is called context switching. People who work a lot on different tasks know that context switching is a bad thing as it leads to physical and mental exhaustion. However, letting your brain think about different things could be a solution, especially if new thoughts bring joy and relaxation.

Activity Switch


Activity switching in many ways is similar to context switching as it uses the same concept. The only difference is that the activity you’re going to do has to be very different from your day-to-day work. This switch activates parts of the brain that aren’t used during regular work, so hard-working parts can rest.

For example, software engineers and other IT specialists who are performing logic-heady or technical-heady operations should switch to something totally different. It could be anything that does not involve technical or logic-related activities, like cooking, music, dancing, art, you name it.

Sometimes, doing nothing is good too. Physical or mental exhaustion could lead to a situation when your brain wants only one thing: rest! Then you can use some leisure activities, like walking, stretching, or taking a bath. The crucial recommendation is the same: do not think about the work.

Shared Time and Personal Time


Another important aspect you should consider regarding your spare time is communication. Some people like spending time with friends and family, which lets them relax. It is shared spare time. On the contrary, others prefer to relax alone, spending time on a favorite hobby or some other private activity. It is personal spare time.

Both these relaxation types are important and people usually need both. Extraverts usually prefer shared time, introverts the personal time, but a combination of both commonly produces the best results.

How exactly to spend this time though? It is always a matter of personal preference. Each person has a unique set of activities that he likes to do, and it’s up to him to decide how to spend his spare time. But no matter the type of activity, it is crucial to let the person do it to recharge after work, feel comfortable, and become a better person in the future.